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How to Clean and Care for Your Diamond Engagement Ring

3 January 2024
How to Clean and Care for Your Diamond Engagement Ring

How to Clean and Care for Your Diamond Engagement Ring

Nothing is quite as mesmerising as a sparkling diamond ring. But, over time, you may notice it starting to look a little dull and lifeless. If you wear your diamond ring every day, you’ll no doubt be exposing it to hand lotions, cooking ingredients, garden soil and other general everyday products that leave behind a thin layer of grime. This grim prevents any light from entering your ring, making it lose its sparkle.

Luckily, giving your lab grown diamond ring a clean will restore it to its original beauty. Since dirty rings are also a breeding ground for bacteria, which can lead to skin irritation, it’s important you clean and care for your ring regularly to keep it looking its best and free of germs.

While many jewellery shops offer cleaning services, it’s easy enough to clean your diamond ring at home. Here, we’ll show you, step-by-step, how to clean your diamond ring and bring it back to life.

How to clean diamond ring at home in 9 easy steps

Let’s explore the process of cleaning your diamond ring at home and make it sparkle like brand new.

Step 1: Check if the ring is stable enough to be cleaned

First of all, before you start the cleaning process, you’ll want to make sure your ring is stable enough to be cleaned. The last thing you want is to damage the ring or lose a stone while cleaning. So, check that all the claws are firm and that the diamonds are fully secured in their settings. If it’s an older ring and you can feel a stone is loose or one of the claws is crooked, then it may be best to take it to a professional to get fixed and cleaned.

Step 2: Gather your supplies

To effectively clean your diamond ring, you'll need a few basic supplies:

  • Mild dish soap or jewellery cleaner: Choose a gentle, non-abrasive cleaner specifically designed for jewellery 
  • Warm water: Opt for lukewarm water to help dissolve dirt and grime without damaging the metal or stones.
  • Soft-bristled toothbrush or jewellery brush: Select a brush with soft bristles to gently brush the diamond.
  • Lint-free dry cloth or microfiber towel: These materials are ideal for drying and buffing your ring to a brilliant shine. Ensure the cloth is dry.
  • Ammonia solution (Optional): For stubborn dirt or oil buildup, you can create a solution of ammonia and water.

Step 3: Prepare the cleaning solution 

Once you have gathered the supplies that you need for cleaning, you can start with making the cleaning solution. Fill a small bowl with warm water and add a few drops of mild dish soap or jewellery cleaner. 

Step 4: Soak the Ring

Pop the ring into the bowl and let it soak for 20-40 minutes. This will help to loosen any tough dirt stuck in the prongs or within the ring’s setting.

Step 5: Clean the ring with a soft-bristled toothbrush

Dip a small, very soft-bristled toothbrush into the cleaning mixture and use it to gently brush the stones. Children’s toothbrushes are usually best for cleaning rings as they’re small enough to handle delicate items and don’t have rubber bristles. Make sure you brush the underside of the ring, and in between the prongs too, where there might be a buildup of dirt.

Step 6: Rinse the ring

When you’re happy that the ring is clean and you’ve got into every nook and cranny with the brush, swirl it around in the solution again to remove any excess dirt and then rinse it under warm, running water. We’d suggest putting the plug in, just in case you drop the ring, as it’ll likely be slippery from the cleaning solution, and the last thing you want is for it to fall down the drain.

Step 7: Dry the ring

Place the ring on a clean and dry cotton cloth. Avoid using paper towels as they can be too rough on the metal. Blot the ring dry or leave it to air dry.

Step 8: Polish the ring’s metal

If you happen to have a polishing cloth lying around, which we recommend using on other pieces of jewellery too, use it to polish up the platinum or white gold metal to make it shine.

Step 9: Final rinse with ammonia solution (Optional)

If desired, give your ring a final rinse with an ammonia solution. To create the solution, mix one-part ammonia with six parts water. Ensure all dirt and oil are removed. Soak your ring in the solution for about 15 minutes, then gently scrub and rinse it.

Be careful when using ammonia, as it may not suit certain metals or gemstones. Refer to specific care instructions or consult a jeweller if you need clarification.

Tips for maintaining your diamond ring

Regular cleaning is essential to keep your diamond ring looking its best, you can follow below tips to maintain its sparkle between cleanings:

  • Avoid Harsh Chemicals: Remove your ring before using household cleaners or harsh chemicals, as these can damage the metal and dull the diamond.
  • Store Properly: When not wearing your ring, store it in a jewellery box or pouch to prevent scratching and tangling with other pieces.
  • Schedule Professional Cleanings: Consider having your diamond ring professionally cleaned and inspected by a jeweller once or twice a year to address any potential issues and maintain its beauty.

By following these simple steps, you can ensure your diamond ring remains a stunning symbol of love and commitment for years to come.

Sustain your diamond ring’s sparkle with regular cleaning 

Cleaning your diamond ring at home is a simple yet effective way to maintain its beauty and brilliance. Ideally, you should clean your diamond rings once a week if you wear them every day, as this will stop so many oils and products from building up. By following these step-by-step guide outlined, you can safely and efficiently remove dirt, oils, and debris from your ring, restoring its sparkle and shine. 


1. How can I make my diamond ring shiny again?

Cleaning your diamond ring once a week will ensure that it always stays shiny and sparkly and will remove any dirt buildup from lotions, makeup and everyday wear that can be harmful to both the ring and your skin. We also recommend taking it to a professional jeweller to be cleaned at least twice a year, as they’ll also be able to check for any damage that might need repairing.

2. How do you clean diamonds to make them sparkle?

To make your diamonds sparkle like their brand new again, simply follow our cleaning steps above!

3. Can I use toothpaste to clean my diamond ring?

Toothpaste is not recommended for cleaning diamond rings as it may contain abrasive particles that can scratch the metal or gemstones.

4. What should I do if my diamond ring has stubborn stains?

For stubborn stains, consider soaking your diamond ring in a mixture of warm water and ammonia for a few minutes before gently scrubbing with a soft brush.

5. Is it safe to use vinegar to clean diamond rings at home?

While vinegar is a natural cleaning agent, it's not recommended for diamond rings as it may react with certain metals and potentially damage the ring.

6. Can I wear my diamond ring while cleaning or swimming?

It's advisable to remove your diamond ring before engaging in household cleaning or swimming activities to prevent exposure to harsh chemicals or chlorine.

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