Diamond cut refers to the proportions of the diamonds as well as how the diamond's facets are aligned and polished. It's about how well the diamond interacts with light, affecting its brilliance, sparkle, and overall visual appeal. The cut grade is a crucial factor in determining a diamond's light performance and can significantly impact its beauty and value.
How are Diamonds Cut?
As diamonds are one of the hardest materials on earth, the process of cutting them into the diamond we see on the market today, is very complicated and takes a highly skilled professional to achieve. And, since diamonds can only be cut with diamonds, the tools used are often diamond-coated on the edges.
Before the diamond cutting process begins, lots of planning outlining is required in order to deem the best shape possible for the quality of the diamond. The diamond cutting expert will then split the rough diamond into separate pieces with diamond-coated saws or lasers while trying not to damage the stone in any way. These pieces are then turned into the desired shape by essentially placing them on a spinning axle and grinding them together. This meticulous process can take hours. Once the diamond has been cut, it then needs to be polished to ensure a perfectly smooth and reflective gem.
After the diamond has been polished and its brilliance and fire have been identified, it’s then sent to gem experts who will grade it based on the 4Cs.
Which Diamond Cut is the Best?
While all diamond cuts are marvellous in their own way, by far the most popular and most sought-after diamond cut is either the excellent or very good cut. Both of these cuts will achieve superb sparkle for round shaped diamonds. While other grades, such as carat, colour and clarity, can be compromised since colour and clarity can be better concealed, the cut is one grade you want to ensure is the absolute best. This is because a low-cut diamond grade will result in a diamond that doesn’t sparkle as brightly. At Sacet, we only offer very good and excellent diamond cuts.